Verity Letters believes that there is nothing more riveting, more heartwarming, or more life-changing than a well-written letter.
But, why letters?
In a time of instant communication, where you are just one click away from a social media argument and constantly consumed by luxurious photo-shopped images that make your life look as insignificant as dust in the shadows, letters are necessary.
Letters are big gifts in small packages. Each envelope holds words thoughtfully chosen and written for you. Paper is carefully creased, folded, and tucked into a secure and sealed bed. Excitement floods the sender as they raise their mailbox’s flag proclaiming to the world that they have something to say.
With my flag raised, I stand there with letters I want to share. Letters based on the truth that showered me as a young girl sitting on a hard wooden pew. Letters inspired by the many missionary stories I heard growing up. Letters I pray will move people to action the way my grandparents were moved.
My paternal grandparents lived on the border of the Jefferson National Forest. In their little brown house, tucked between the mountains, I often found myself sitting around their dining table at the end of a meal listening to them pray for missionaries around the world. My young mind barely comprehended the meaning of the prayers, but I soon learned.

When they were a young couple, they both had a desire to go to the mission field. Before raising a family and ministering in different churches, they prayed to be missionaries in Africa. They prayed, made their preparation, and applied to a mission board. They were ready and set, but they were waiting for God to say, “Go.”
But they never went to Africa. They instead received a letter from a retired mountain minister with one wooden leg asking them to help start a church in a little town in the mountains of Appalachia. The minister died the night after writing the letter. Upon receiving the letter, my grandparents prayed and made the rugged journey to the field.
They planned for Africa, but God prepared them for Appalachia. They took their missionary knowledge and applied it to the community God placed them. As they prayed for their flock, they also continued to pray for the missionaries around the world.Their passion was passed down to their children and grandchildren.
While many of them have traveled around the globe, I have stayed in the small Appalachian town listening to my Grandaddy preach and resting under the voice of their prayers. Now, I stand ready to proclaim the gospel the way I believe God wants me to.
My hope is that Verity Letters will encourage you. Encourage you to sit down and write a letter to someone you love. Encourage you to kneel down and pray. Encourage you to lift up your hands and praise God.
I’m eagerly standing beside my mailbox with my flag raised in proclamation of the Gospel. I pray that as you read your letter you see only God and His wonderful truths.
Jerri Irene
1 comment
Your Grandparents were a inspiration to many in our community . They dearly loved everyone and helped many .